A Completely Unique Program
Celebrating Childhood Traditions!

Class Schedules & Monthly Tuition

Little Learners Preschool believes in providing a nurturing environment for 3-5-year-olds. We offer an atmosphere that encourages imaginative play with cognitive skills woven into daily projects and centers. The centers are designed to stimulate curiosity, smiles and wide-eyed wonder while assisting each child towards their learning journey. Our ultimate goal is to support parents in building a confident understanding of all necessary pre-k skills prior to entering kindergarten. Little Learners Preschool believes each child is a treasured, unique individual with talents and gifts—our hope is to access each child’s learning style so that all may know success! The program includes:

  • Literacy based themes with Zoophonics and Handwriting Without Tears introduced to the 4-year-olds
  • Math concepts, functions, and activities
  • Hands-on experiences
  • Science investigation and discovery
  • Large, sensory and fine muscle activities daily
  • Kids in the Kitchen (Cooking/Experimenting monthly)
  • Social Emotional skills using Pyramid Plus and Early Childhood CARES model
  • Monthly field trips or visitors to school
  • Daily Music and Dance
  • Daily Story and finger play
  • Daily Art and Craft projects
  • Family parties and activities

3-Year-Old Program

  • Tuesday/Thursday; 8:30am – 11:00am 
  • Monthly Tuition: $155
  • Class Size: Minimum 5; Maximum 15

This class provides age-appropriate activities geared for a ‘first-time’ preschool experience. For example, circle time is shorter and filled with song, stories, and interactive finger plays. The emergent learner will be introduced to colors, name recognition, numbers, shapes, and letters. The large motor muscles are stretched and exercised every day either with outdoor activities, tumbling, dance or games. The little muscles (fine motor), so necessary for school activities, are strengthened with scissors, beads, pencil, painting, stickers, finger plays and art activities. Little Learners Preschool focuses on methods and strategies for appropriate social interaction; a teacher or aide is always with the child during free play to assist them in class rules, friendship skills, calming down techniques, and waiting turns. The program also has lots of field trips, holiday fun, exploration, and dance. This class size is kept to no more than 15 with two teachers.

4-Year-Old Program

  • Tuesday/Thursday; 12:00pm – 2:45pm 
  • Monthly Tuition: $175
  • Class Size: Minimum 5; Maximum 15

This class is a great option for older three-year-olds or younger four-year-olds. The emergent learner will be introduced to colors, name recognition, numbers, shapes, and letters. The 4-year-old class has longer circle and project times than the 3-year-old class. In addition, science experiments, art, social studies, and cultural awareness are also part of the regular curriculum. The large motor muscles are stretched and exercised every day either with outdoor activities, tumbling, dance or games. The little muscles (fine motor), so necessary for school activities, are strengthened with scissors, beads, pencil, painting, stickers, finger plays and art activities. Little Learners Preschool focuses on methods and strategies for appropriate social interaction; a teacher or aide is always with the child during free play to assist them in sharing, class rules, calming down techniques, friendship, sitting at circle, and waiting turns. The program also has lots of field trips, holiday fun, exploration, and dance. This class size is kept to no more than 15 with two teachers.

Pre-K Morning Program (UPK Qualified)

  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday; 8:15am – 11:40am 
  • Monthly Tuition: $270
  • Class Size: 5; Maximum 15

This class provides three additional hours per week for expanded learning opportunities, longer center time, and more extensive exploration of all skills for successful transition into kindergarten. Parents who feel their child may need more time to be ready for kindergarten or have a child ready to leap above the expected preschool skill level should choose this class. This class includes word families, beginning sounds, weekly writing time and lengthier group projects. As in the afternoon 4 class, reading and literacy projects, math deductions and calculations, week-long science experiments and exploration parallel curriculum of the other 4-year-old class. This class size is kept to no more than 15 with two teachers.

Pre-K Afternoon Program (UPK Qualified)

  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday; 11:40pm – 3:00pm 
  • Monthly Tuition: $270
  • Class Size: 5; Maximum 15

This class is geared toward assisting the young learner to prepare for kindergarten: emergent reading skills, math concepts, and social skills are achieved through games, songs, rhymes, letter and number recognition projects. This group will experience longer, more developed project time and a longer circle time than the 3-year-olds. They will do higher cognitive skills such as deduction, estimation, patterning in math as well as beginning sounds, repetitive rhyming, picture story/word story, retelling familiar stories. Field trips, outdoor visitors, holiday celebrations and even graduation ceremonies are all part of the program. In addition, science experiments, art, social studies, and cultural awareness are also part of the regular curriculum. For large motor development, we play outdoors, dance, play games or tumble every day. We stress fine motor skills to enhance the hand’s ability to write. This class size is kept to no more than 15 with two teachers.